Stage 6: Implementation – when your solution goes live
This is the last of our deep–dive articles, walking our customers through our new Technical Delivery Lifecycle approach, which we’ll implement in early 2024. If you haven’t already, please read the introductory article, which will give you an overview of our approach and what happens before the Implementation stage.
When will Implementation start?
Before being ready to implement your solution, we’ll have carried out extensive Testing to ensure everything is working correctly and will deliver the value you were expecting for your organisation.

Once you’ve signed off everything and passed the solution for release, the Implementation process can begin. It might, on the face of it, seem like a simple step, but there’s still a reasonable amount of careful work to be carried out to ensure everything goes smoothly.
What does Implementation involve?
Until now, we have been working in your development or test environment. So, first of all, we’ll need to prepare the solution to move into your live business environment in a way that will avoid any unnecessary interruption or disruption to your organisation and users.
Next, we’ll do some final testing on our side. We’ll also need to obtain change approval from you.
We understand that implementing a new solution – and the changes your users might have to get used to – can often be challenging to manage. Therefore, throughout this process, we’ll work closely with you to minimise any negative impacts on those affected.
What else can you expect?
As we move into a new way of working, one of the changes you’ll notice is that the implementation – or delivery – milestones won’t necessarily align with the end of each calendar month.
At the earliest possible stage in our Lifecycle process, we’ll have already agreed with you on the implementation/delivery date when the solution will be fully operational. We’ll then work back from that date to schedule the necessary activities and milestones leading up to it.
The upshot is that we may deploy some solutions over months. It also means we may deploy multiple solutions over a month. But most importantly, whatever the delivery schedule, we’ll have agreed on this with you well in advance and always ensure we keep you updated with progress.
Finally, once Implementation has been completed, your solution will be live – and ready to deliver enhanced value for your organisation.
How can you find out more?
In case you haven’t already, we’d recommend you read the other articles in this series that closely examine each stage in our Lifecycle approach. In order, they are as follows:
But before we launch our Lifecycle approach, we’ll meet with you to explain the changes we’re introducing and how these will help deliver even greater value for your organisation. We’ll also allow you to ask us any questions.
And if there’s anything you’d like to talk to us about before we meet, please don’t hesitate to get in touch in the meantime.