How The Rodillian Multi Academy Trust improved visibility and efficiency with HaloITSM

Saved time with the self service portal

Efficient icon

Improved efficiency with the ITSM Solution being modern and intuitive.


Complete visibility for technicians and management.

Quickfire Q&A Case Study with The Rodillian Multi Academy Trust

In a sentence or two, tell us what your company does.

The Rodillian Multi Academy Trust, founded in September 2014, is one of the UK’s leading trusts in Yorkshire that specialises in transforming underperforming schools.

Before you found HaloITSM, what problems were you facing?

Our old system was difficult at best for the technicians to use, and impossible to get good reports from.

Which features and integrations have you been using and why?

At this point in time, we mainly use the incident and change request areas, but also assets. We are also taking advantage of the Azure Active Directory integration to sync multiple Office 365 tenancies.

We now have a single pane of glass that is easy to understand – both from a technician and management point of view.”

– Adam F, Trust IT Services Manager, The Rodillian Multi Academy Trust

What are some of the ways HaloITSM has helped you?

We now have a single pane of glass that is easy to understand – both from a technician and management point of view.  We have scheduled weekly and monthly reports that let us compare workloads and response times, meaning we can allocate assistance where needed.  The self-service portal has also allowed us to share all site issues with the senior leadership teams at each individual site, meaning they have a better understanding of workload without it being reported back to them, saving time.

“We would not change anything except get it sooner. If you don’t have HaloITSM yet do yourself and your organisation a favour and get it. It will save you a fortune compared to the likes of ServiceNow and I would argue does a better job”. 

Mark Render, Head of Digital Systems, ACH Group.